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The general assembly is public, you don’t need to be a member to assist, but only members can vote!

Perfect meeting to plan together how we’ll conquer Switzerland together, everyone is welcome to help us build a strong and happy local community.

General Assembly will be held in french !



  1. Introduction:
    1. Introductions of members and observers present
    2. Appointment of Chairman and Session Secretary
    3. Appointment of scrutineers
    4. Reading & Approval of the Minutes of the Constitutive AGM
  2. Balance sheet & Activity report
    1. Activity report 2023
    2. Accounts and audit reports
    3. Vote on ratification of the activity report, acceptance of the accounts and discharge of the Committee
  3. Project 2024-2025
  4. Committee elections
  5. Election of auditors
  6. Miscellaneous

