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General Information :

Address : Rue de Montbrillant 20, 1201 Genève, Switzerland
Date : Wednesday 30 October 2024, check-in between 17H30-18H50, tournament start at 19H00 CET.
Number of participants max : 20
Price : Tournament is free. Ordering at the bar is strongly encouraged.
Others : Bring your own device to play, and a charger for it. A Wi-Fi connexion is available.
As the event happens in a bar, players under 16 years old must be accompanied by a legal representative. In case of victory, the prize is given to the legal representative.

Format and rules :

3-5 Swiss rounds depending on the number of participants. At the end of the rounds, top 4 fight in a single elimination bracket.

No restriction on any cards or limit of decks. Deckbuilding is authorized during the Swiss rounds, but not in the top 4.